23 September 2014

Song of the Day: September 23, 2014

Happy autumn! After a really crappy summer in Clayton's Universe (don't know about it? Ask and if I like you enough you'll know.) I've decided it's high time to turn a new page and bring the internet along for the ride.

Music has always been a very important part of Clayton's Universe: Real Life, and I've always tried to reflect that in Blog Style. From the summer of 2010 when I replaced post titles with song lyrics - let's be honest, we've all done it - to the time Allison Stoner may have visited CUBS but I can't be sure, this blog has always delivered sports with an undertone of my musical tastes.

It's time the music takes the forefront on the Blog front, because it's been helping me cope with Real World life in recent days.

From now until I get complaints from Google for having the lowest posts-to-views ratio in Blogger history, it is my intention to share a music video a day with all three of my regular readers (here's looking at you, Mother, Dad and David).

So what can you expect? I honestly don't know; I will be doing this on the fly a lot. My current expectations are as follows:
-Strong vocals and harmonies in almost every post, because the voice is the world's best instrument.
-At least one video from Pentatonix or the Gardiner Sisters each week, because I want to be their best friend.
-Mostly happy and upbeat songs, because I like to think I'm a positive person. When you see a sad song, I'm either depressed, having an introspective moment, or the harmonies are so superb I don't care how sad it is.
-"Friday" by Rebecca Black once every month or two, because sometimes we need to remember how the days of the week go. Don't worry, though, I will never post "Friday" on a Tuesday unless I'm feeling absurdly trollish.
-A healthy mix of newer and older songs and videos, because music is forever.
-More reasons for sharing songs than people reading said reasons, because self-depreciation shows you have a sense of humor.
-A random RickRoll now and then, because I'm Never Gonna Give You Up and you're just going to have to live with it.

Accompanying each song will be a few thoughts about why I chose the song or how I'm feeling because of the music or something along those lines. Like I said, I'm doing it on the fly. The ultimate goal of this project, at least for now, is to make sure no matter how bad your day may be, your ears will always have four minutes of good.

To kick off this music mania, here's the greatest music video of all time. There is no room for debate, because....just watch:

Obviously, I wanted a light-hearted start to CUBS Song of the Day, and what better way to begin than with the Internet's most classic running joke? And I warned you there would be a RickRoll every once in a while. I will never forget you, Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up, and I hope the world will hold this video in highest esteem for years to come.

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