13 February 2015

Clayton's a poet and you didn't even know it

Once upon a time on CUBS, I tried my hand at poetry. Because I don't sleep anymore, I've been trying to get my thoughts on paper (both actual and virtual) in poetry form. This idea popped into my head at about 6 a.m. and I had the whole thing written in about ten minutes. So here goes.

There we were
A poem

There you were
Broken, damaged, beaten, destroyed
Struggling to make another day

There I was
Innocent, naïve, full of life
Not an ounce of sorrow in my way

There we were
Our paths crossing
Your world intersected in mine

There we were
Our journeys intersecting
My joy, your sorrow intertwined

There you were
Realizing your potential
Your dreams, your ambitions, achieved

There I was
Rejoicing in every milestone
My affection and love you received

There we were
Our paths had met
Halfway between glory and defeat

There we were
The roles for the first time reversed
You helped me get back on my feet

There I was
Realizing my potential
My dreams, my ambitions, achieved

There you were
Rejoicing in every milestone
Your affection and love I received

There we were
Our paths separating
Your world becoming less like mine

There we were
Our journeys disconnecting
My sorrow, your joy lost their binds

There you are
Content, happy, full of life
A thousand miles away

Here I am
Broken, damaged, beaten, destroyed
Struggling to make another day 

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